Ibrahim Hazimeh
Ibrahim Hazimeh (b. 1933 in Acre) is a Palestinian artist. From the beginning of his career, Hazimeh’s prolific oeuvre has consistently focused on Palestine. Per the artist’s description, memories, “both beautiful and painful,” inspire everything the artist executes in oil paint, gouache, and watercolor, which explains not only the subject matter but the style in which it is portrayed.
Ibtisam Mara’ana
Ibtisam Mara'ana (b. 1975) is a film director and producer based in Jaffa. She is known for her documentary films.
Iman Al Sayed
Iman Al Sayed (b. 1984), is a Palestinian artist whose work focuses on processes and repetition. She probes and investigates the human condition and the sociopolitical effects caused by displacement, Al Sayed uses various media in her work, varying from sculptures and installations to moving images, sound and words.
Ismail Shammout
Ismail Shammout (b. 1930-2006) was a Palestinian artist and art hsitorian. Shammout was an influential Palestinian artist, whose prominent style of painting employs recognizable symbols of Palestinian culture and traditions.